When Can Cannabis(marijuana) Get You High?

Whether it is smoked, vaped, or consumed, how high cannabis (marijuana) gets you depends on age, weight, metabolism, and tolerance. So that person-to-person reaction can vary.

Before diving into cannabis, what do you need to know? What are the dos and don’ts? How do we create a great cannabis experience? What strategic planning will go into setting yourself up for success? What is the plan to set yourself up for success?

Various methods of consuming cannabis can result in getting high, whether it is smoked, vaped, or ingested.

Cannabis, or hemp, is the plant’s name. Products made from this plant include weed, marijuana, and hash (hashish), terms often used interchangeably. The Opium Act refers to these products as ‘hemp’ and ‘cannabis.’

Science:  How Cannabis(marijuana) Gets You High.

Cannabis affects the human body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), a series of transmitters and receptors that help balance the body.

Cannabis is a complex plant with over 100 active compounds. THC and CBD are well-known in the cannabis community. THC is tetrahydrocannabinol and CBD is known as cannabinoids. CBD (Cannabidiol) does not produce a high but can moderate the effects of THC and has numerous therapeutic benefits, including reducing anxiety and inflammation. Conversely, THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), the primary psychoactive component of cannabis, can induce a high. When THC interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), it binds strongly to the body’s CB1 receptors, primarily located in the brain and nervous system, which are involved in managing pain, anxiety, and inflammation.

Factors that affect a cannabis high

Consumption method 

Cannabis consumption methods effects can vary among consumers, one method may have stronger and longer effects than others. For example, the effects of edibles may be more powerful and long-lasting for one person than vaping or smoking, but may not have the same effects on another person.

Level of Dosage 

It is important to get the right dose with the proper ratio of CBD and THC for your body. Higher doses of THC usually produce stronger effects.

Cannabinoids and Potency:

In addition to CBD and THC, more than 100 types of cannabinoids in cannabis, including CBN, CBG, and THCV, can affect your experience. Cannabis with high levels of THC is more influential and can produce a very intense high.

Type of Weed strain

Different weed strains chosen from weed dispensaries are known for their specific effects on consumers. Various strains have varying ratios of THC to CBD and other cannabinoids, leading to different experiences from low to high. 

Level of Tolerance

Personal tolerance is most specific while consuming cannabis. Tolerance level decides when you feel you’re high. Regular users may need more than those new to cannabis to achieve the same effect. So Newbies are advised to start with less potent strain and lower doses.


You should know when cannabis can get you high. How does cannabis affect your endocannabinoid system (ECS)? To improve your experience, Consider these key factors: weed strain, method of consumption, and personal tolerance to different dosages. What weed strain, method, and how much dose you can tolerate effectively? All of this helps consumers effectively manage their cannabis experience, balancing the desired effects.