Top Five Ways to Enhance Your Cannabis Experience | Wake N Bake

Cannabis consumption has matured and been accepted by all significantly over these years. It has transitioned from a harmful and morally deteriorating practice to a widely accepted panacea for its incredible medicinal and therapeutic elements among many patients. As a therapeutic commodity, it has been a blessing for all needy human beings to fix their ailments of modern living. For many years now, cannabinoids have been proven to be ideal because of their natural soothing properties and playing an integral role in lightening the lives of many individuals back to normal life.

How do you enhance your experience at the nearest cannabis store? Let’s find out.

Here Are The Top Five Ways to Enhance Your Cannabis Experience

1. Choose the right strain.

Selecting an appropriate cannabis strain is fundamental to scaling your experience. Multiple variants and sub-variants of cannabis are available in the market. Of these, the standard strains are indica, sativa, and hybrid.


This strain is good for its soothing and tranquilizing properties. It is ideal for evening consumption.


This strain is good for mood enhancement, with energizing properties. It promotes increased alertness and vigilance. As a result, it is ideal to consume during the day.


This strain is a balanced mix of both indica and sativa and is suitable for a variety of preferences in therapeutic strategies.

Knowing these variations and working with these strains will help you identify the one that best fits the requirements you need to address. Depending on your preferences and knowledge, many stores have experienced associates who can help you.

2. Experiment with different consumption methods.

There are numerous ways to consume cannabis with its unique experience and effects. Here are some popular and time-tested methods for your knowledge:


It is a traditional and straightforward technique. People usually smoke cannabis through joints, pipes, or bongs. This method is believed to have rapid effects. 


It is a better alternative to smoking. It heats cannabinoids without combustion, reducing harmful by-products. It provides a quick implementation of effects.


People take cannabis-infused foods or beverages resulting in a delayed but prolonged effect. These are ideal for those aspiring for an unnoticeable and smoke-free option, but dosing can be tricky. You need to start with a low dose and be patient to feel the effects.


In addition to adding them to food and drinks, people take these liquid cannabis extracts sub-lingually or keep them under the tongue. They work faster than edibles and give you the exact dose you need.


They are available as cannabis-infused creams, balms, and lotions for direct application to the skin.

Experimenting with these methods can help you discover many options for consuming cannabis, but always remember what fits you the best.

3. Optimize your environment.

To improve the quality of your cannabis experience, you need to establish the appropriate atmosphere. You could consider the following factors:


Ensure you are in a comfortable and safe setting, especially if you are trying a new strain or method of consumption. These efforts may fix potential anxiety.


Ensure that the lighting matches your needs. Soft, warm lighting creates a soothing atmosphere during the consumption of cannabinoids.

Music and Entertainment:

Choose a movie that complements the mood you wish to achieve. Besides, music can elevate the sensory organs, and a good film or show can be immensely enjoyable while under the influence of cannabinoids.


Essential oils or incense can enhance the sensory experience. So, scents like lavender or sandalwood proved to promote relaxation. You also can try citrus or peppermint to have a refreshing and uplifting experience.

4. Mindful consumption and dosage management:

It is crucial to have responsible and mindful consumption to retain a positive cannabis experience. 

Start low and go slow.

It is significant for beginners; starting with a low dose and gradually increasing it allows you to gauge your tolerance levels and avoid adverse effects.

Know Your Limits:

Recognize your tolerance levels and adhere strictly to them. Overconsumption of it leads to undesirable experiences such as anxiety or paranoia.

Stay hydrated and well nourished:

Cannabis may cause dry mouth and increase appetite, so ensure more water intake and snacks to stay comfortable.


The user must be mindful of his body’s responses. That improves the cannabis experience and allows you to receive the benefits fully.

5. Educate yourself and stay informed.

Cannabis is a complicated plant with numerous applications. The user must have enough knowledge of its properties, benefits, and possible risks. The user better check them out from multiple resources to enhance the experience and thus have better safety. 

Here are some ways to stay updated:


The user must educate himself on the scientific advancements of cannabis through the study of books, and articles, to know about extraction techniques and its chemical compounds like THC and CBD. That will enable them to make well-informed decisions.

Join Communities:

It is advisable to participate in online forums, social media groups, or local cannabis organizations to gain access to a wealth of experiences, recommendations, and valuable insights.

Consult Professionals:

It is always better to take a piece of professional advice from healthcare providers, especially when you are using cannabis for healing purposes.

Stay tuned for the updates:

The rules and regulations for cannabis may vary widely from place to place. It would help if you stay informed about your area’s legal status and regulations and beyond.

Integrating these practices into your life, you can significantly enhance your cannabis experience, making it more effective, and deem fit to your personal preferences. Whether you seek relaxation or relief from ailments, a mindful and informed approach extends its full potential.